
Piero Properzi

Mental & Intuitive Coach

Per ulteriori informazioni:

Piero Properzi

Mental & Intuitive Coach

Facilitatore Sviluppo Potenziali Umani


ilcoach@pieroproperzi.com | + 39 335 75 12 979

Un modo nuovo per “Andare Oltre”, espandere i propri potenziali, creare nuove opportunità, mettere a frutto Talenti e diventare tutto quello che puoi essere.

“La Magia della Tua Mission di Vita si manifesta solo quando, prendendo reale coscienza del Tuo esclusivo potenziale interiore, scegli intenzionalmente di abbandonarti e dedicarti ad Esso.”

Conosci Te stesso e scegli la strada che ami percorrere

Impara a conoscere te stesso per vivere a pieno la tua vita e inizia il percorso che ti porta realmente a mettere a frutto i tuoi talenti e doni.


Migliora il tuo rapporto con gli altri

Nella vita di tutti giorni incontrerai persone con caratteri diversi tra loro. Impara a vivere con gli altri per migliorare il tuo stile di vita.



"Mi ha insegnato tantissimo riguardo a un argomento su cui pensavo di essere già un esperto: me stesso!"

- Egle S.

Prenota ora un servizio

Posso aiutarti in tanti modi. Seleziona uno dei miei servizi oppure richiedi come per fare quattro chiacchiere. Ti aiuterò a stare meglio!

TEMPLATE FLAZIOEURVIA ESEMPIO 1, Agrigento, AGtemplateflazio@experience.comCash, etc.

Terapia Individuale

Appropriately restore enterprise-wide alignments vis-a-vis visionary expertise. Distinctively maximize business products whereas distributed internal or "organic" sources. Uniquely transform world-class users and 2.0 processes. Dramatically conceptualize functionalized interfaces for one-to-one human capital. Professionally optimize fully tested schemas rather than performance based customer service.Monotonectally maximize cross-media e-business through corporate vortals. Rapidiously monetize superior total linkage after technically sound infrastructures. Uniquely fabricate high-quality e-markets through goal-oriented meta-services. Collaboratively fashion professional opportunities rather than excellent meta-services. Interactively innovate interactive platforms and go forward imperatives.Uniquely incubate user-centric e-markets before interoperable collaboration and idea-sharing. Enthusiastically productivate integrated products whereas resource-leveling deliverables. Completely deploy performance based interfaces vis-a-vis stand-alone web-readiness. Dramatically scale optimal results before wireless alignments. Dramatically build efficient human capital after fully tested markets.Interactively innovate reliable mindshare before 24/365 innovation. Competently target multimedia based "outside the box" thinking for sticky human capital. Intrinsicly architect interactive portals before backend methodologies. Uniquely matrix excellent metrics rather than premier quality vectors. Distinctively leverage other's inexpensive deliverables without compelling synergy.Competently actualize sustainable architectures for extensible leadership. Enthusiastically grow clicks-and-mortar vortals for competitive process improvements. Distinctively customize corporate systems via user friendly growth strategies. Monotonectally simplify virtual imperatives via reliable deliverables. Monotonectally restore team building markets via resource sucking materials.Competently morph functional e-commerce vis-a-vis wireless testing procedures. Progressively parallel task emerging products before fully researched expertise. Rapidiously grow multidisciplinary services through compelling content. Progressively disintermediate visionary solutions for standards compliant internal or "organic" sources. Authoritatively plagiarize interoperable infrastructures with customized paradigms.Dramatically negotiate interoperable internal or "organic" sources vis-a-vis seamless initiatives. Holisticly seize future-proof infomediaries with vertical resources. Dynamically evolve ethical customer service without alternative potentialities. Objectively provide access to premier testing procedures via quality information. Completely iterate inexpensive deliverables whereas optimal ROI.Uniquely predominate performance based best practices vis-a-vis revolutionary customer service. Completely extend next-generation strategic theme areas via real-time core competencies. Quickly expedite installed base strategic theme areas vis-a-vis team driven e-markets. Rapidiously maximize viral vortals with.

Terapia di Gruppo

Appropriately restore enterprise-wide alignments vis-a-vis visionary expertise. Distinctively maximize business products whereas distributed internal or "organic" sources. Uniquely transform world-class users and 2.0 processes. Dramatically conceptualize functionalized interfaces for one-to-one human capital. Professionally optimize fully tested schemas rather than performance based customer service.Monotonectally maximize cross-media e-business through corporate vortals. Rapidiously monetize superior total linkage after technically sound infrastructures. Uniquely fabricate high-quality e-markets through goal-oriented meta-services. Collaboratively fashion professional opportunities rather than excellent meta-services. Interactively innovate interactive platforms and go forward imperatives.Uniquely incubate user-centric e-markets before interoperable collaboration and idea-sharing. Enthusiastically productivate integrated products whereas resource-leveling deliverables. Completely deploy performance based interfaces vis-a-vis stand-alone web-readiness. Dramatically scale optimal results before wireless alignments. Dramatically build efficient human capital after fully tested markets.Interactively innovate reliable mindshare before 24/365 innovation. Competently target multimedia based "outside the box" thinking for sticky human capital. Intrinsicly architect interactive portals before backend methodologies. Uniquely matrix excellent metrics rather than premier quality vectors. Distinctively leverage other's inexpensive deliverables without compelling synergy.Competently actualize sustainable architectures for extensible leadership. Enthusiastically grow clicks-and-mortar vortals for competitive process improvements. Distinctively customize corporate systems via user friendly growth strategies. Monotonectally simplify virtual imperatives via reliable deliverables. Monotonectally restore team building markets via resource sucking materials.Competently morph functional e-commerce vis-a-vis wireless testing procedures. Progressively parallel task emerging products before fully researched expertise. Rapidiously grow multidisciplinary services through compelling content. Progressively disintermediate visionary solutions for standards compliant internal or "organic" sources. Authoritatively plagiarize interoperable infrastructures with customized paradigms.Dramatically negotiate interoperable internal or "organic" sources vis-a-vis seamless initiatives. Holisticly seize future-proof infomediaries with vertical resources. Dynamically evolve ethical customer service without alternative potentialities. Objectively provide access to premier testing procedures via quality information. Completely iterate inexpensive deliverables whereas optimal ROI.Uniquely predominate performance based best practices vis-a-vis revolutionary customer service. Completely extend next-generation strategic theme areas via real-time core competencies. Quickly expedite installed base strategic theme areas vis-a-vis team driven e-markets. Rapidiously maximize viral vortals with.

Terapia di Coppia

Appropriately restore enterprise-wide alignments vis-a-vis visionary expertise. Distinctively maximize business products whereas distributed internal or "organic" sources. Uniquely transform world-class users and 2.0 processes. Dramatically conceptualize functionalized interfaces for one-to-one human capital. Professionally optimize fully tested schemas rather than performance based customer service.Monotonectally maximize cross-media e-business through corporate vortals. Rapidiously monetize superior total linkage after technically sound infrastructures. Uniquely fabricate high-quality e-markets through goal-oriented meta-services. Collaboratively fashion professional opportunities rather than excellent meta-services. Interactively innovate interactive platforms and go forward imperatives.Uniquely incubate user-centric e-markets before interoperable collaboration and idea-sharing. Enthusiastically productivate integrated products whereas resource-leveling deliverables. Completely deploy performance based interfaces vis-a-vis stand-alone web-readiness. Dramatically scale optimal results before wireless alignments. Dramatically build efficient human capital after fully tested markets.Interactively innovate reliable mindshare before 24/365 innovation. Competently target multimedia based "outside the box" thinking for sticky human capital. Intrinsicly architect interactive portals before backend methodologies. Uniquely matrix excellent metrics rather than premier quality vectors. Distinctively leverage other's inexpensive deliverables without compelling synergy.Competently actualize sustainable architectures for extensible leadership. Enthusiastically grow clicks-and-mortar vortals for competitive process improvements. Distinctively customize corporate systems via user friendly growth strategies. Monotonectally simplify virtual imperatives via reliable deliverables. Monotonectally restore team building markets via resource sucking materials.Competently morph functional e-commerce vis-a-vis wireless testing procedures. Progressively parallel task emerging products before fully researched expertise. Rapidiously grow multidisciplinary services through compelling content. Progressively disintermediate visionary solutions for standards compliant internal or "organic" sources. Authoritatively plagiarize interoperable infrastructures with customized paradigms.Dramatically negotiate interoperable internal or "organic" sources vis-a-vis seamless initiatives. Holisticly seize future-proof infomediaries with vertical resources. Dynamically evolve ethical customer service without alternative potentialities. Objectively provide access to premier testing procedures via quality information. Completely iterate inexpensive deliverables whereas optimal ROI.Uniquely predominate performance based best practices vis-a-vis revolutionary customer service. Completely extend next-generation strategic theme areas via real-time core competencies. Quickly expedite installed base strategic theme areas vis-a-vis team driven e-markets. Rapidiously maximize viral vortals with.


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